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Booze Break: Transform your relationship with alcohol with our exclusive audio guide.

Episode One
break the habit

Don't just take our word

Don't just take
our word

Start Your Booze Break Today!

"Since starting Booze Break I've saved SO much $$$ and feel amazing. Thanks Lyndi & Maz!"


It’s time to swap a handful of feel-good tipsy moments for a booze-free high that doesn’t wear off.

Pouring a glass of wine after a busy day has become a habit.

You drink because... well, everyone does!? And ‘cause you’re not quite sure how you’d socialise without it.

A glass turns into a bottle more often than you’d like! 

You’d like to drink less for your health but... you’d hate to become boring - or bored. 

Is this a bit... too relatable?

It's not a life sentence. It's just a booze break.

In 30 days, you’ll have: 

A healthier relationship with booze + easily say "no, thanks".

Learned how to have fun without booze and saved lots of $$$.

Dried up 5pm wine cravings and have clear mind (👋 cya brain fog).

The skills to unwind and socialise, without unscrewing a wine bottle.

Why try Booze Break?

Real Talk: What Others Are Saying 

30-day money back guarantee

 No hoops to jump through. ‘Cause you’re a person, not a pony! Just reach out within 30 days.

 98% of people who went through our transformation reported they have now a healthier relationship with alcohol.



Play the audioguide in your podcast player


Join Booze Break


It's as simple as:

How does it work?

Start Your Booze Break Today!

Just Do It! The course has taught me how to cope with life without alcohol and the break gave me the opportunity to gain clarity to go about my day to day in a much better frame of mind. The other bonuses were better sleep, clearer skin and eyes and weight loss. Win/Win!
Tonina G

In 30 days, you'll be so glad you started and joined the booze break community.

Expensive Ubers
Booze-fuelled comfort eating
Heightened anxiety
Wasted weekends you don’t remember
Empty bank accounts
Drunken drama
Angry skin breakouts
Feeling like you’re a mess
Being so-damn tired all the time
Tipsy spending sprees
That icky bloated feeling

  • Better relationships
  • More $$$ in your pocket
  • More energy 
  • Newfound hobbies and experiences
  • A healthier relationship with food
  • Less anxiety
  • Living out your Pinterest dream life

Say bye-bye to:

You don’t have to be that person anymore.


Better relationships
More $$$ in your pocket
Less anxiety and regret
More energy
Newfound hobbies and experiences
A healthier relationship with food
Living out your Pinterest dream life

  • Hangovers that for last days
  • Expensive Ubers
  • Booze-fuelled comfort eating
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Wasted weekends
  • Not remembering...
  • Empty bank accounts
  • Drunken drama
  • Angry skin breakouts
  • Feeling like you’re a mess
  • Being so-damn tired all the time
  • Tipsy spending sprees
  • That icky bloated feeling



"I'm four weeks booze free today. I started sleeping better, I'm more patient with the kids and have so much more energy."


“Booze Break has been soo good. I'm only three weeks in but already feeling lots of positives. Thank you Lyndi and Maz”


"I'm four weeks booze free today, It's a huge achievement for me. I'd be hanging for wine o'clock every afternoon and now it feels so good to have it out of my mind and not feel guilty."

Unfiltered Feedback

Whether it’s forever or for just right now... 
This is a booze break, not a life sentence.

Ways to stop being that embarrassing person at the party

What will people think (gasp!) Tried + tested ways to tackle peer pressure

But I like wine! What happens if I really enjoy drinking? 

How to use psychology to break the habit of drinking to destress

Break the Habit

module four

module three

module two

module one

From bars to BBQ, a detailed guide of what to drink instead of booze

Party essentials to be fun AND have fun when socialising booze-free

How to do a booze break when your partner still drinks

Our fail-safe strategy to going out for dinner without alcohol

Socialise Without Booze

module four

module three

module two

module one

Weight loss and alcohol PLUS how to drink less without eating more

Is red wine actually healthy? And other alcohol myths debunked.  

Our three-step Booze Break formula to de-stress without alcohol

A guide for better sleep, without turning to wine

Your Healthiest Self

module four

module three

module one

module two

What to do when cravings strike? 

A workout playlist to get you buzzed without booze

What if I want to continue drinking? A mindful drinking plan. 

12 tricks to set yourself up for a win, when you really don’t want to fail!

Bonus Tricks

module four

module three

module one

module two

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn inside Booze Break

The 5 things that’ll happen when you stop drinking alcohol

Go from drinking alcohol on autopilot to socialising without a drink in your hand.

Swap hazy drunk conversations you’ll never remember to personal jokes you’ll laugh about for years.

Make memories you’ll actually remember without hangxiety the next day.

Enjoy better relationships and all the feel-good vibes without the remorse.

Live out your pinterest dreams rather than just pinning them.

Sarah GReenwood

Thank you so much again ladies!
The concept of a booze break is genius. A lot of people feel the idea of 'never drinking again' confronting.
A Booze break helps to take each day at a time.


It's win-win for me!
Thank you both for your life-changing programme, it's totally changed my perspective on alcohol. I'm loving the series and doing so well on my booze break!


"I found Booze Break at just the right time. The content and practical advice alleviates all of my concerns. It’s early in my journey but I’m feeling GREAT and LOVING it!  

Start Your Booze Break Today!

Booze break helped me to change my perspective around alcohol. If you want to cut down, or even stop completely, this course is a great place to start. I appreciated that it was an audible course, so I could listen to it pretty much anywhere, at my own pace.

Vic P

Snag these bonuses valued at $179 for FREE

The Booze Break Audio Guide: The ultimate roadmap to transform your relationship with alcohol (Value $200)

Lifetime access to the Booze Break Community (Value $200)

Email reminders and check-ins giving you ongoing accountability and support. (Value $49)

The Booze Break Audio Guide

Lifetime access to the Booze Break Community 

Email reminders and check-ins giving you ongoing accountability and support.

When you join, you'll get

Value $200

Value $200

Value $49

Bonus 1: Our Mocktail Recipe Book 

Bonus 2: Guided Meditation Audio Track 

Bonus 3: Booze Break Digital Journal 

Bonus 4: Buzzed without Booze playlist 

Value $50

Value $50

Value $49

Value $30

That's over $600 of value for $99

Bonus 1: Our Mocktail Recipe Book (Value $50)

Bonus 2: Guided Meditation Audio Track (Value $50)

Bonus 3: Booze Break Digital Journal (Value $49)

Bonus 4: Buzzed without Booze playlist (Value $30)

Join the community, get step-by-step guidance and feel the difference in just 30 days.

Join the community, get step-by-step guidance and feel the difference in just 30 days.

Transform your life for just

That's less than
a night out!

$99 AUD

How much does Booze Break cost?


"I am soooo happy I found you guys! This is the best, most relatable program I've ever listened to."


"Thank you so much ladies! This has been the best decision and I am SO damn grateful." 

What they're saying...

"Thank you both for your life-changing programme.
 It's totally changed my perspective on alcohol."



"Loving the Booze Break program. I'm feeling amazing and love the supportive community." 

People who join Booze Break save 1000s of $ each year by drinking less.

Imagine what you can do with that extra $$$! 

Start Your Booze Break Today!

I did the 30 days and I absolutely loved it. I am now what I would call a ‘mindful drinker’. I loved being able to have the girls in my back pocket to listen too (I have listened more than once).
I had a wine or 4 every night and was desperate to not live for the wine. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to change what booze looks like without it being intolerable!

Sophie H

Hey there, I’m Maz Compton! A media personality (and mum) who went from not being able to get through a few days without a drink to 8 years sober. It all started when I did a booze break and discovered what a hangover free life felt like. Turns out, that was the best choice. I’m currently studying psychology and helping people like you drink less to feel their best via my book and podcast, both called Last Drinks! 

Meet Maz

Oh hey! I’m Lyndi Cohen, one of Australia’s top Nutritionists and Dietitians. When I accidentally stopped drinking while pregnant, my crippling anxiety *poof* evaporated. If only I’d tried it sooner! I’m now 14 months (and counting) into my booze break and truly? I’m shocked ‘cause this is the best I've ever felt. I don't believe in all-or-nothing so join me to see how a better relationship with alcohol doesn't have to be a life sentence.

Meet Lyndi

Why should I listen to you?

Give yourself the best chance to break your habit by joining the Booze Break community.

How productive you are without booze brain fog
Sleep better than you’ve slept in forever
Huge perks for your mental wellbeing
Ways to unwind, relax and celebrate
How to drink more mindfully (or easily say "no thanks")

How will I feel on my booze break? 

You decide how long your booze break lasts. Commit to doing the first 30 days with everyone else and then, continue for as long as you like! 

How long do I have to go booze free for?

Break this lifelong habit for less than the cost of a night out.

While Booze Break is transformative, it's not a replacement for professional medical treatment for those with alcohol addiction or dependency

You can stop drinking without having a drinking problem.

Whether you drink for joy or can’t stop after one…

Whether you want stop drinking for forever - or for just right now. 

If you’ve never taken a break from alcohol long enough to know how you feel without it.

Booze Break is for you: 

Join the community, get step-by-step guidance and feel the difference in just 30 days.

30-day money back guarantee

 No hoops to jump through. ‘Cause you’re a person, not a pony! Just reach out within 30 days.

Got questions? We've got answers. Dive into our frequently asked questions below

How much does Booze Break cost?

The price is a one-off payment of $99 AUD.

How do I consume the info? How quickly can I complete it? 

We know your to-do list is outrageously long so we’ve broken Booze Break into bite sized and digestible episodes. You’ll get 15 episodes, all under 15 minutes. Plus, seven bonus tracks. All up, it’s 4 hours of actionable info broken in four modules. You can listen to all the content in a week, or listen bit by bit and implementing the strategies as you go. It’s easy to consume an episode a day during your regular walk or commute. You get lifetime access so do it at your own pace. 

How long will I not drink alcohol for? 

This isn’t a life sentence. So your booze break can go on for as short or long as you feel the benefits. We recommend starting with a 30 day goal and then seeing how long feels good for you. We would love you to hit the ‘90-day limit’ at least once in your life. 

Do I have to quit alcohol forever? 

Nup. Everyone is different and your booze break can and should be tailored for you. Think of Booze Break as just a little alcohol-free experiment. Surely you’re curious about what it might feel like? If you love it so much that you want to stop drinking forever - we totally support that. And if you do start drinking again, you’ll discover you’ve become a more mindful drinker. 

When will I see results?

You’re likely going to notice good things straight away. Within one week you will notice you are sleeping better and have more energy. Within one month you will notice brighter and clearer skin, less bloating and improved mental clarity. After 2 months you’ll have happier hormones and better immunity. After 3 months (the 90-day limit) you may never want to look back. But you’ll have to see that for yourself.

Who is this booze break intended for?

This guide is designed for anyone who is curious about a healthier relationship with alcohol. Whether you’re looking to drink less or stop drinking all together. Whether you drink a couple of glasses or a couple of bottles… we’ve got you covered with everything you need to take a break from the booze or simply drink less to feel your best. .

But I like wine and drinking. Is this right for me? 

Love a glass of vino? Us too. This guide is for people who love wine. Because if you didn’t like booze, you wouldn’t need a guide to help you drink less, amirite?

How is the content delivered? Where can I listen to the audioguide?

As soon as you buy Booze Break, you’ll get an email with a link. Click to load the audio guide onto your favourite podcast player. That’s it! Listen as you walk, commute or just generally get sh!t done. Oh, and all those truly useful resources will also make their way into your inbox within moments. 

Do I need to download an app, watch videos or complete any worksheets?

No, no and no. We know you’re a busy human. We’re here to make life easier, not add your mental load. That’s why we promise no boring worksheets, complicated apps to download or homework videos to watch. We’ve distilled the most valubale info into a neat easy to listen to audio guide format. 

Do you offer refunds?

Yup! You bet. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. That’s because we’re wildly confident that you’ll get loads of benefit from this guide. So if you complete the content in 30-days and feel you didn’t get value, reach out for a full refund. 

Start Your Booze Break Today!

"Since starting Booze Break I've saved SO much $$$ and feel amazing. Thanks Lyndi & Maz!"


Get started for FREE